A review by landragraf
Hurts to Love You by Alisha Rai


As posted on Smitten By Books Blog

I’m loving the books coming from Avon authors this year. No doubt about it the contemporary genre has a ton of awesome, diverse author voices and they are worth every penny.

Hurts To Love You is like Dynasty with a little best friends little sister, add a touch of class warfare, and a dark family secret. The drama abounds. Not to mention both hero and heroine are like flame to kindling once the walls they’ve built up come crashing down. Being on a wedding party retreat without the wedding party will do that to a person.

As far as characters go, hero Gabriel is a tatted, bearded delicious hulk of a man. He’s been trying his best to not give into what he considers an inappropriate attraction to our heroine, Evangeline. She’s the younger sister of what was once an enemy, the Chandler family. Gabriel grew up as a part of the Oka-Kane household, though on the fringes of it… and he’s got a big, bad secret. One that makes him believe he’s truly not worthy of anything, outside of what he’s earned on his own.

Evangeline is a woman after my own heart. She grew up in a verbally abusive household and has fought long and hard to overcome those challenges. At the same time, she’s nursing a crush born from years of watching Gabriel from afar. Taking advantage of the opportunity of being alone with him, she works to close the gaps and see if her attraction is just one sided.

These two light up the pages. Between their desire for one another, their drive to overcome years of guilt, secrets, and hiding parts of themselves I couldn’t put this book down. I’m a little sad to be coming into this series on the last story and plan on playing catch up with the others. The characters are so diverse, well-rounded and I actually thought I was watching my beloved romance meet high drama with a big payoff.

For readers who love drama rich stories like Susan Elizabeth Phillips.