A review by ameserole
Moon Kissed by Jennifer Snyder


I guess I might be on a kick of reading new authors this weekend because here's another review about a book written by an author I've never read from until today.

Moon Kissed was a pretty interesting werewolf shifter book. Now I'm not really a fan of love-triangles and such but Jennifer Snyder definitely pulled it off. I guess the one thing I don't really understand from this book was the ending. I wouldn't really call it a cliffhanger or anything super dramatic that left you hanging on the edge of your seat wanting more and then screaming at the book because of it ended and/or throwing the book at the wall from frustration. Nope, sorry that didn't happen for me at all because this book just ended right then and there. It ended right in the middle of everything happening. WHO DOES THAT?!?! I'm guessing it's to get people to get the next book and read it hoping it continues right where this book left off - and I'm honestly going to do that, but I was just wondering WHY?!?

You got me Jennifer. I will get the next book and I will find out what is happening. I'm on to you.