A review by papalbina
Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta


You're going to kill me, but I'm kind of disappointed. Not with the book per se, which is fantastic, but with the ending. That's my punishment for watching the movie before reading the book...

I love movies, I'm a walking IMDB in my boyfriend's opinion and I always thought I'd prefer to watch a movie and then read the book than the other way around (or at least, I used to think so, I'm not that sure any more v.v), because I want to enjoy the movie more than I want to enjoy the book. Yes, I know, it's strange, isn't it?

Aside from having a different time line jumping from one event to other in different moments, the characters in the movie and in the book are pretty similar. Probably because Marchetta wrote the screenplay herself. That's why I can't understand why the ending in the movie is so lala-happy, and in the book left me craving for more
SpoilerI want to know if Josephine gets over Jacob and he over her, or if they really love each other and find the way back to be together -If I were realistic, I would say myself that the first option is the reasonable one, but I don't like to be realistic when talking about fiction T___T
(to the point I'm thinking for the first time in my life in writing a fanfic O__O).

I know the main point of Looking for Alibrandi never was the love story. That was a side story to help Josephine grow up. The important parts are the relationship with her grandmother and with her father, and her own personal development and self-discovery. But still...
Spoilerif I can understand what confused Jacob so much, I can't understand why it came so sudden almost at the end of the story. Or was I being naive thinking in a happy ending and didn't see it coming? v.v

Anyway, this book was great (including the ending I didn't like). The more I read Marchetta, the more I want to write myself a story like hers and, at the same time, the more discouraged I feel because I don't think I'd ever be able to get it that way (or any way, for the matter... I'm a crappy writer, really xDD).

Again, thank you, Goodreads Friends. Without you I would never have read Melina Marchetta's books and that would have been really, really sad... ;)

Oh, God, I only have two more Marchetta's book to read at home... I have to do a visit to TBD or FishpondWorld very soon :P