A review by mabookyard
The Queen's Wing by Jessica Thorne


My Rating : 5🌟

When a surprise attack on the palace makes Bel the centre on attraction, she has to travel to a distant land and get married to the recently widowed ruler Con. With increasing assassination attempts on her life, she must figure a way out to help both herself and the country with her fiancé & her childhood love..

The first thing I loved way the world setting. The different ruling clans with their hard set traits and the advanced technologies mixed with space shuttles and a bit of fantasy, this book was filled with all the things I love! Especially travelling among planets & conquering moons to display their superiority.

The second thing was the diverse characters. Though you deal with a lot of same cliché characters, you get a variety of them. Especially the side characters. I can happily say that I loved the side characters more than I loved the main characters. Con & Bel made a really nice complimenting pair, and to be honest I didn’t like Shae as much as I should have.

This book had a mixture of everything. I loved the action, following your dreams, really good romance, strong characters, loyal friendships even when everything was at stake, and it made me cry! Not spoiling, but a certain character death had me sobbing! It had it’s fair share of issues, but the positives was just a tad bit more than that, so it’s a 5 star for me!

Even if you are not a fan of Sci-fi, pick it up. You will never realize you are in space and all things related unless you pay attention to the names of the planets & moons! If you are looking for a fantasy/sci-fi/romance book with really good friendship, passion, slow paced romance, amazing side characters and some heartbreak, definitely check this one out! I highly recommend it!
*I received a copy of this ebook in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley*