A review by kblincoln
Gateway by Sharon Shinn


Daiyu is the Chinese adopted daughter of caucasian parents in St. Louis. She's finishing up a summer internship and helping her father (and his latest homeless helper) fix up a house when she steps through the famous Arch and finds herself in an alternate world where the Han have colonized the Americas.

If you're looking for action, suspense, adventure, or political ramifications of a Chinese colonization of America, then this is not the book for you.

While Daiyu is being trained by world-jumpers in order to get close enough to a bad guy to clap a special bracelet on his wrist to send him back to his home world, suspense and action are at a minimum.

This is a sweet story centered on Daiyu's feelings for a cangbai (white) boy, Kalen, and an exploration of the world of Jia.

Nothing too deep, nothing too scary. Daiyu mostly learns how to dance, dress, talk, and pick up special stones from the riverbed.

This Book's Food Designation Rating: Tempura Udon, for the wholesome, easy-to-swallow nature of the exotic world portrayed here, as well as the non-threatening journey of the heroine.