A review by justabookeater
Friend (With Benefits) Zone by Laura Brown

DNF @ 58%

A copy was provided by the publisher through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

From the premise alone, I sincerely thought this Romance would click instantly with me. It has one of my favorite tropes, friends turned lovers, plus, they’re roommates! This was supposed to be domestic fluff galore.

Unfortunately, the plot was all over the place and I felt like I knew nothing about these characters. The dialogue was stiff and boring a well. Their personalities were super bland and I couldn’t care less about their advancing relationship. There was so much unnecessary conflict and drama; I wanted to drop it sooner but I felt like maybe they deserved a chance. Turns out I was wrong. I guess I set my expectations way too high.

I did like that both MCs were deaf and spoke in ASL. It added something real to the story but it just wasn’t enough for me to keep going.