A review by mousereads
Winnie Zeng Unleashes a Legend by Katie Zhao



Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a fun one, quickly paced and easily enjoyable. There were moments where I felt somewhat confused about what the main conflict or plot was, outside of Winnie becoming a shaman, as things felt somewhat scattered at times. I loved Winnie and thought she was a fun narrator. However, the other characters felt flat next to her, and I found myself forgetting details about them as they were seemingly just tossed in and not always clearly relevant.

Characters: 7 | Atmosphere: 5 | Writing: 5 | Plot: 6 | Intrigue: 8 | Logic: 8 | Enjoyment: 7
total: 6.57/3 stars