A review by holly_keimig
Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time by Brigid Schulte


This book takes a good look at modern life and the author discusses how everyone is "overwhelmed". It was fun to read this book at Christmas because everyone around me does appear to be completely overwhelmed. The author even mentions how Christmas letters often say somewhere that the year has been crazy or overwhelming. She delves into three main areas: work, love, and play. In work, she discusses mainly how family policies (maternity/paternity leave, paid vacation time, etc) have changed and how they need to continue to change for workers to be happy. Even though I do not have children, I found this section interesting. She then talks about relationships in the love section and how they can suffer without proper intervention. Finally she talks about women's failure to "play" and how usually, for women, playing ends in adolescence and never returns. Made me want to go find some swings in the park...:) Highly recommended title if you are always feeling overwhelmed. While it is not a book that will help you solve all your problems (and is actually quote biographical in places), it might give you a few ideas on how to at least notice you are feeling "overwhelmed" and figure out a way or two to step out of the rat race.