A review by arcalumens
Ducks: Two Years in the Oil Sands by Kate Beaton


I remember hearing about this book and not knowing anything about the oil sands made it seem like they were drowning people for money but the people employed had no other income streams and just had no choice but to drown people. 

Certainly there were negatives and positives, the misogyny, the sexual abuse, the way the loneliness crept up on the men and made them into a different sort of person, the way these people needed to make money to send home but lost all that time with their families versus the camaraderie and looking out for each other and the pay but unfortunately all the negatives are things that crop up with humans any sort of where.

I also appreciated the nuance as the book goes on as Katie starts to be changed herself by her time in the sands, hearing the vitrol in the comments from people back home, where she would so desperately love to be if she didn't need the money and how awkward it feels to make money somewhere else and take jobs from the locals because you yourself can't find jobs closer to your home.

A thoughtful graphic novel that deserves to be with other classics of their time.