A review by labraden
Snakehead by Anthony Horowitz


When Alex splashes down from his space adventure at the end of Ark Angel, he is rescued off the coast of Australia. After Jack arrives and they've had a few days rest and relaxation, Australian intelligence, ASIS, offers Alex a job that he can't refuse. If he helps them with an operation meant to expose a plot by a group called Snakehead, his partner on the op with be able to give Alex information about his parents. The operative in question happens to be Alex's godfather, Ash, who is currently working for ASIS. Alex reluctantly agrees, even though he knows that this mission will be just as dangerous as the ones he has already faced, but he is desperate to learn more about his father.

Snakehead is another interesting entry in the Alex Rider series. Through Ash, we learn more about Alex's parents and what happened when they died. As with the other books in the series, there is a lot of action, suspense, and adventure. There is a major twist near the end of the story, but it had been foreshadowed so much, that it was not difficult to see it coming by the end. Overall, Snakehead continues the Alex Rider series with a bang. 3 1/2 stars.