A review by mellabella
The Hookup Dilemma by Constance Gillam


This is a cute, IR "romance" I guess? Read.
Or possibly "chick lit"? I don't read these as much. But am trying to get into them.
Set in ATL, Rashida (a BW and food critic) is from a close knit family from Tobago. Family including her mom, granny and sister. Elliott (a WM and architect) is her opposite. He grew up wealthy with a loving mom and distant father. They are interesting characters. They were at odds over a very real life issue (gentrification). But aligned on their feelings for each other. It gets steamy, which is fine. It has a few funny moments... Anything you could want in a book. Of course there were obstacles in their way. I liked the beautiful descriptions. I could envision everything they ate and drank, what they wore, where they went. It's very descriptive. I would definitely read another from this author
Strong 3.5 stars.