A review by theredhead210
Stormsong by C.L. Polk


Political machinations, powerful storms, flirty lesbians!
Miles and Tristan return, but as side characters. Nevertheless, it was fun to see them and enjoy some involvement in this second story.
The plot in this book seemed faster-paced than in the first, more things were happening and there weren't many slow places, but that also meant that the romance was a bit tacked on as flirty banter and dancing until the very end. I would've enjoyed more development there, but it was okay. I did find that it was a bit predictable. Either the author was too heavy handed in dropping hints, or maybe my brain is just trained that way, but I saw the answer coming a mile away.
I'm enjoying the bits of lore and history that emerge in this story and I'm interested in the world that C.L. Polk has created, but I could honestly go for more.
I'm about to start the third one, but my expectations are low.

TLDR: It was faster paced and there was more political intrigue than in the first book, but the romance felt more slap-dash.