A review by booksandlemonsquash
Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

I found Harrow Lake really intriguing and atmospheric! From the start you’re thrown into a world of confusion and tension. The creep factor is already dialled you as you start and this only increases as the book progresses!

I’m not a fan of horror at all, and I was worried I’d got in over my head with this one. But I really enjoyed reading it - because it’s super creepy but not terrifying, because it’s also half a mystery, and because it’s well written.

Lola is a girl who has been kept secluded, pretty much, by her father, and is sent to stay with her grandmother while he recuperates from a stabbing. She ends up in the town where his big horror movie was filmed, and where everyone in town knows who she is. Lola may not always be a likeable main character, but she is sympathetic - she’s torn away from everything she knows and into the deep end of this small town.

As Lola tries to find out more about the creepy town legend or her mum, we also get lots of glimpses into how her life has messed her up - she’s seeing things, and this is really not helped at all by the town who all add to her feelings of discontent and like she’s being watched. It’s incredibly well put together.

I am definitely not telling you about the ending because it would ruin it, but I both loved it and found it a little disappointing. I wanted more answers than we got about the town! But I did enjoy how it all played out and how we find out various things.

Overall, this was a 3.5 star read for me but only because I felt there were a few loose ends I’d have liked tied up - while I’m sure this is intentional, I like answers! But the writing and atmosphere is definitely worthy of 4 stars!