A review by samrushingbooks
The Last Smile in Sunder City by Luke Arnold


3.5 stars
I read this as part of Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon April 2020

For a readathon, this book took me quite a while to read. Yes, I was interrupted by a need to do a couple of chores and such around the house, but I just couldn't lose myself into the story like I was hoping. There was a lot of setting up the world and the history and all that exposition made things drag. There's a reason they say to show don't tell. But, considering how Fetch is telling this story, the exposition also makes sense. We also spend a good chunk of the story learning about how Fetch got each of the four tattoos on his wrist/lower arm. It helps to explain the journey Fetch has been through, but it takes us away from the missing person--well, missing vampire--case that Fetch is working on. So this was a decent read and a decent debut overall. I am intrigued enough to want to pick up the next Fetch Phillips tale, but this wasn't a book that blew me away with how great it is or anything.