A review by merlin_reads
Make Me by Beth Kery


 Jacob Latimer has a past and it's not a good one. He's worked very hard to reinvent himself from that scrawny, helpless little boy to one of the most powerful men in the world. But when he runs into Harper one morning on the beach, everything he's built threatens to crumble. And all because of the one girl he could never have.

Harper McFaddan moved to Tahoe Shores to regroup. After losing her parents, she feels lost and the pace of the big city becomes too much for her. When she meets Jacob, he's not familiar to her at all. There's nothing about him currently that connects him to the boy who saved her many years ago. But as they get closer and closer, Harper's memory starts to realize that there may be more to this man then meets the eye.

I'm normally not one for erotica but this one held my interest. I pretty much read the whole thing on the edge because I was just waiting for Harper to connect the dots. It was a very predictable plot but honestly, I feel like most eroticas are. There's a formula and, hey, if it works, why fix it?

I enjoyed reading about Jacob and how he was able to turn his life completely around. I mean, this was a kid who came from nothing and is now one of the richest in the world. The sex scenes were done well and not overused like a majority of eroticas I have read. Yeah, I know, how dare I want plot amid my sex! And while their backstory was interesting, it definitely was heavy with the drama. And man, did the drama just keep coming. It was also extremely long, but since this was a serialized story, the individual parts made sense to be a little long because when you're only getting a little at a time, you always want more. But put all together, it made for a rather lengthy read for romance.

Overall, it wasn't anything that was exactly new (rich, playboy dom wants demure, wholesome girl) but I enjoyed it.

I received an e-copy of the novel from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.