A review by kailey_luminouslibro
Demigods & Magicians: Percy and Annabeth Meet the Kanes by Rick Riordan


Carter Kane is hunting a wayward Egyptian crocodile monster when he encounters a guy wearing a "Camp" Something t-shirt. Apparently Percy is after the same monster, and he is hefting a serious magical sword. But Carter has his own brand of magic, and the two young men aren't quite sure what to make of each other. But one thing is for sure... they can't defeat this monster on their own. They will have to team up and fight side by side!

Sadie Kane and Annabeth Chase were not looking for trouble, until a three-headed monster showed up. Annabeth thinks that someone must be awakening old gods and blending Greek and Egyptian magic. Sadie just wants to hunt down the monster and attack, but Annabeth would rather take some time to analyze the situation. They will have to learn to work together if they want to survive.

I loved this mash-up of characters from two of my favorite series! (You have to read both the series first before you can read this, because the events take place after both series are done.) It's so fun to see these characters again in a very new situation, trying to make sense of this other style of magic when it is completely the opposite of what they usually battle against. But they are still courageous and resourceful. Annabeth especially is able to think on her feet and see solutions within the chaos.

I think it's interesting that this story is broken up into three short stories from the perspectives of different characters. The first story is told by Carter, then Annabeth is the main focus of the second story (but it's told by an omniscient narrator), and the big finale is narrated by Percy. Multiple POVs seems to be a feature of all Rick Riordan's books. He's one of the few authors I know who can effectively write multiple POVs.

The plot is interesting, and the adventure is fun. And of course, the writing is full of comedy and witty remarks! Delightful!