A review by thebookishlifeofnicole
Our Darkest Night: A Novel of Italy and the Second World War by Jennifer Robson


Historical fiction and I have been in a weird place the past year. I’ve been finding the genre repetitive and nothing has really grabbed me the way it used it. But along come Jennifer Robson with this incredible story that absolutely blew me away and I was reminded of why I loved historical fiction so much.

Our Darkest Night is the story of Nina, a young Jewish woman in Italy who is forced into hiding in the Italian countryside with a man she’s just met in order to survive. In the first half of the book Robson introduces us to Nina, Nico and his family and life in the Italian countryside during WWII. The second half of the book was what truly makes this book so well done. The stakes increase and Robson does not shy away from the realities and atrocities of life as a Jewish person or anyone resisting the Nazi’s during this time period. I cried, I smiled, I was angry. This book was such an emotional ride and I always feel the sign of a well written book is it’s ability to provoke emotion in its reader. This story blends history with romance and family drama and will have appeal to any historical fiction lover. Although a devastating and emotional read at the end of the day it is a story about the power of love and hope in the darkest of times.

One of my favorite things about Jennifer Robson as an author is the unique setting she chooses to explore and I always love reading her author’s notes to learn more about the inspiration for her stories. This book is no exception and I strongly encourage any reader to take the time to read this!

Overall this book reminded of why Jennifer Robson is one of my favorite authors and can be counted on time after time to deliver a story with strong characters, immaculate setting, well-researched historical details, but most of all a story that sticks with you long after finishing the book