A review by betwixt_the_pages
They Are Cursed Like You by Holley Cornetto


Rating: 4/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: perfectly witchy, hauntingly horrific; devoured it; could not put it down; the writing is spooky and heavy with foreboding; this shows a side of the craft we do not typically get in stories

HUGE thank you to Holley Cornetto and Eerie River Publishing for sending a free galley of this title my way in exchange for a review! This in no way altered my read of or opinions on this book.

And what a hauntingly, horrifically, PERFECT read for the month of October this was! The story is witchy and atmospheric; the characters are very morally gray and complex. I was swept up into this read from the very first line, and taken on a whirlwind of a ride.

But this is me now. The appointments have started. Scans, biopsies, consultations. I know the steps to this dance. I've waltzed this way before and my bodice is too tight.

Holley Cornetto thought through EVERY. SINGLE. Detail. There were moments of foreshadowing that I didn't even catch until the very end, when everything came around full circle and I was left, mouth-agape and exclaiming "Oh, that was SO CLEVER!" I lost sense of time and the real world while I read, I was so hooked into following the story where it led.

The characters are morally gray and written in just the right way to show what desperation can do a person. The reality of human-emotions paired with the suspended disbelief of magic was just *chefs kiss*. The writing is beautiful, rich and rife with both mesmerizing descriptions and horrifying gore. If you're looking for a spooky read this Halloween season, look no further--this is PERFECT for you!

Belladonna tossed aside the second stick, heard the bones rattle among the leaves like dice, and took a third. "Are you...human?"

"Not as such."

"Then why take a man's shape?"

She was of the opinion that there were more flattering shapes to take, but the recently burned were most afraid of flames.

I highly recommend this to lovers of magic, witchy vibes, and monsters that lurk just out of sight. This read is bound to take you on a ride--but watch for that head-on collision! Holley Cornetto crafted a read worthy of the genre; I cannot wait to see what happens next!