A review by henrymarlene
My Best Friend's Murder by Polly Phillips


Toxic relationships and when you're too blind to see through them. That, to me, was the premise of Bec and Izzy's relationship. Polly Phillips displays all the aspects of a toxic friendship so well. You watch, first in slow motion and then at breakneckspeed, the decay of the connection between Bec and Izzy. Friends since school, Izzy is the glamour queen with it all, living a very rich life in all matters of speaking. Bec is rich in other ways, newly engaged and about to write her first published feature article. As much as they are long time friends, they have a lot of distance between them. They are long time frenemies. Phillips writes this book to illustrate how and where jealousy gets in the way of a friendship. Both Bec and Izzy are both as bad as each other when you really read into their characters, and they both try hard to top each other as the 'alpha' friend. Some of the scenarios that arise seem a little implausible. They do lead to a twist I didn't expect, which was great to discover.