A review by apostrophen
Fugitives of Chaos by John C. Wright


I found this book not quite as engaging as the first, but it was still good. I think it suffered a bit from "bridge book syndrome" where there's a lot of moving from book one and set up to book three and not so much content for it to stand alone by itself - an easy problem in trilogies. That said, more of the students uncovering who and what they are is a good thing, and the various paradigms being explored are still interesting.

Edit: I actually really quite enjoyed this book - and the first one in the trilogy - and it's a shame the author is someone I no longer wish to support and won't be going further in the series. John C. Wright's blatant homophobia make it very clear that he doesn't need me to buy his books. I'm sure he wouldn't want me anywhere near him at all.