A review by angelicprose
Breaking Free: How I Escaped Polygamy, the FLDS Cult, and My Father, Warren Jeffs by Rachel Jeffs


trigger warning • rape, child abuse, csa, molestation, miscarriages, religious trauma, cult, violence, abuse, manipulation, religious abuse, suicide

after watching keep sweet prey & obey, i started to research more into this and into how religious cults operated and how people would escape, and this book was very enlightening on the story. my heart just breaks so dearly for everyone involved. during the story i was just in shock that this was real, not horror, but real life. real life is scarier than horror sometimes. excuse my language but warren needs to rot in the deepest pit of hell. my heart breaks for everyone who’s ever suffered because of him.

the writing was beautifully heartbreaking, i could feel every single emotion of rachel’s, and through the story i almost felt like i was stuck, trapped, just imagining what these events must’ve felt like . Warren is disgusting, but reading this reveals just a million more disgusting sides to him in detail. i forever wish that everyone of these people can escape and be free and be with their families.