A review by what_ella_reads
Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams


This book is receiving a lot of hype in the Christian book community and I'm glad to say that it lives up to the hype (imo).
I have mostly positive things to say about it, so I want to start with the negatives and then finish the review with all of the positives.

The main negative of this book is that it is not always polished. There are some typos, grammatical errors, and awkward phrasing. While this does take a bit away from the quality of the writing, it's not deal breaker for me because 1. This book is an indie book 2. This is the author's first full length novel. I did find those the mistakes to be a bit distracting, it didn't stop the story from being overall enjoyable.

The only other thing I didn't like about this book was that the dialogue could be repetitive, especially Tellie's dialogue. Tellie, the main character, screamed a lot and kept repeating herself to Errance. For that reason, Tellie did get on my nerves at certain points in the book. I do, however, think that the way Tellie expresses herself is reflective of a young teen. I hope as Tellie matures that she will grow out some of her more immature habits.

Now onto the things I loved. The first thing I loved was the world building. I think the author did establishing all the elements of the world that this book is set in. Readers are introduced several countries and people groups, but it didn't feel overwhelming.

I also like the magic system. I found the chemas and their abilities to be especially fascinating. I'm excited to learn more about the magic systems in the next book!

The next thing I enjoyed were the characters. Each character's personality brings something special to the story. My favorite characters are Tryss and Coren, though I do like the other characters as well!

I'm glad I decided to give this new release a chance! I am eager to read the next book, which the author currently writing. I hope it will come out within the next year or two!!!

My rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars