A review by melodicfate
Fantasma oscuro by Christine Feehan


I've missed the Carpathians so, so much! I love the world, I love the concept of lifemates...I just love the way Christine Feehan writes these. The couple in here was Teagan, a geologist with the ability to heal using crystals and stones, and Andre, "The Ghost", who we met in previous novels. I loved Teagan for her compassion, her intelligence, and the way she just blurted things out. Made for great humor. I also appreciated that she both disliked being told what to do, but also learned to follow Andre's instructions in serious situations. This story followed Teagan as she ran from a serial killer/rapist in the Carpathian mountains and came across Andre, who was very badly wounded after a fight with a master vampire. The book proceeded to show the two falling in love, learning to deal with one another's differences, and just generally creating a great partnership. There was some action in terms of vampire fighting and hunting down the serial killer who'd gone after Teagan, but more than anything, this was about Andre and Teagan's love. After Andre's horrible past and Teagan not feeling like she ever fit in, they really needed each other. I wish I could've seen a bit further along to Andre meeting Teagan's family, but really, this was a very relaxing, comfortable romance in the Carpathian world. Oh, and I loved the addition of the monastery. Can't wait to see if Teagan's able to help the monks.