A review by bittersweet_symphony
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood


Atwood delivers a biotech dystopia where large genetics companies engineer new animals and microorganisms, ultimately to the detriment if civilization. She is a master at her craft. The voice is firmly jaded, cynical, and cold, presenting a world with unhappy, or muted characters. Oddly, the companies operate more like government agencies or unaccountable political actors, rather than the way individuals behave within market systems. Her misunderstandings surrounding economic forces and businesses left this novel less than believable.

The scientific elements were interesting, but I was not too worried by the outcome. I am far more optimistic about biotech than Atwood appears to be. There's no utopia in this world, but The Handmaid's Tale is a far prescient warning to the world than Oryx and Crake.