A review by cosymilko
Kushiel's Chosen by Jacqueline Carey


I want to say that this book is amazing but I can't. I've read the first book so I know that this one is less. The characters feel like old friends and the world is easier to understand now that we've been about once before.
I felt that this time the plot was less believable. I don't know what it was but about half way through I thought the story could have wrapped up nicely. I love the descriptions and flowery language. It is a true epic fantasy with an epic plot and romance at the core.

At times I feel the book could split and be a book about political intrigue, another about religion and another about eroticism. I find the three elements tiring at times but the end is worth it. I love the characters and can't wait to see what happens in Kushiel's Avatar and whether the loose ends are tied up nicely.