A review by tazisbooked
The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar


Sorry to everyone else but Adiba clearly wrote this book for me and only me.

I’m kidding obviously but when Adiba announced this book, promising puns and sweetness and sapphic relationships in a Great British Bake Off-esque setting, I was more than in: ‘The Dos and Donuts of Love’ was possibly my most anticipated novel of the year.

Shireen is reeling from her recent breakup. Heartbroken and without her best friend (who is in Bangladesh visiting family for the summer), there is really only one thing Shireen is looking forward to: the Junior Irish Baking Show! One little snag though: Shireen’s partner is her ex-girlfriend Chris. And there’s the other problem of another contestant, Niamh, catching Shireen’s eye…

I love how Adiba always writes from a place where her characters are unapologetically Bengali, sapphic and fat-positive. Shireen also deals with racism and microaggressions during her time on the baking competition. She also undergoes tremendous character growth over the course of the story, learning who has her back and who doesn’t and to also not center herself when her loved ones have problems too. Adiba has talent that is evident more and more with every book she writes. With books that grapple with such macro topics, she is able to write with nuance and insight while still having the most lighthearted, wholesome books that make me squeal in delight or exclaim in indignation (I took every slight against Shireen personally, okay?).

As a pun lover, this book was like catnip to me. The chapter titles had me chortling every single time. Adiba is so unexpectedly funny, I’m really quite obsessed with this book. I have half a mind to purchase it for every young adult I know and shove it in their hands, begging them to read it.

At this point, I’m picking up every single book Adiba writes with no hesitation. And y’all should too.

Special thanks to Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group for sharing this advance copy with me in exchange for my honest opinions.