A review by sophieshelves
The Retribution of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin


So these books are my favourite, yes favourite ever! You might think that's a strong way of putting it, but my incredibly high expectations for the final book (and succeeding my expectations by like a billion) just show how amazing these books and Michelle Hodkin is!

At the end of evolution we are left with even more questions than we started it with and this just ties everything up.

I don't want to put any spoilers in this because of how amazing it is, but all my favourite characters continued to develop and I fell in love with them all over again! It was everything, funny, sad and emotional, scary (well worrying is probably more accurate) dramatic, et cetera. (I could go on forever, but I won't.)

Towards the end there is a double point of view and it was done perfectly.

If you only read three books in your life it should be these three because, I don't know about anyone else, but I could read them over and over. And I will.

Also I'm proud to say that I am that much of a nerd when it comes to these books that I can quote loads of things from all three (including Noah's French speech, yeah you read right!!).