A review by theresidentbookworm
Sabrina: Something Wicked #3 by Kelly Thompson, Andy Fish, Veronica Fish


My Thoughts On: Sabrina: Something Wicked #3

1. Della may give me villain vibes, but I do agree with this statement from her: "You're a witch, Sabrina. And you're more powerful than you know, but you have to own it all, my darling."

2. At this point, I feel like I gush over the art by Veronica and Andy Fish every time I review this series, but I won't stop because the art and coloring is FANTASTIC. Like, I would buy a poster of panels of this series.

3. Oh, Sabrina, honey... The truth always has a price, and you should be sure you're willing to pay it.

4. I am Salem sensing when something is hinky, hissing to get someone's attention, and being ignored. Salem is truly my role model.

5. Ugh, school life/friend life/boyfriend life/witch life balance is the Worst.

6. I feel bad for Harvey. He gets dumped and then literally hit in the head by a hanging picture of a broken heart.

7. Sabrina is very bad at being subtle or keeping secrets or just lying in general. Maybe there's a spell for that.

8. Okay, Harvey, have you ever heard of giving a girl some space to figure out her s***? I'm now leaning back towards Ren for Sabrina because he just seems a lot less needy.

9. There are definitely machinations afoot!

10. Oh, s***! Something's wrong!
Ren has antlers! And is not looking good!