A review by ellasbookishwonderland
Queenslayer by Sebastien de Castell


As usual with this series, I love how rowdy and fun this is, while still managing to be philosophical and deep. It's like yeehaw in one chapter, discussion around what it means to be human in the next. It's a good time. I also really like Kellen as a protagonist, he's realistic, flawed, and honestly just doing his best. A very relatable character. He has definitely grown up and matured during the course of this series, though, and so has the series itself. I'm enjoying these later books more than the first, they're more complex and feel more adult.

Speaking of adult, things I didn't expect was that there suddenly is a lot of sexual innuendos and language? It's been a while since I read the other books, and I might be wrong, but I don't remember it being so much swearing (not that it's a lot, it's just more than I expected). And the gore? Have these books always been so gory? Maybe they have. I don't know. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of the book, I was just surprised.
SpoilerAlso, a sex scene? Kellen really is growing up, isn't he.

There were also some darker aspects of [b:Queenslayer|42525122|Queenslayer (Spellslinger #5)|Sebastien de Castell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1540807411l/42525122._SY75_.jpg|59229588] compared to earlier books, for example the general themes of rape, the gore, and also the villains. I found the villains absolutely disgusting, their use of logic and lack of emotion was terrifying and I hated it. Additionally,
Spoiler the business with the white binder was horrifying, and not at all something I expected from this series.
I do think that the darker themes add to the story, however, it makes sense with how the series has evolved from the beginning.

All in all, a really enjoyable read, a good combination of deep dark themes and funny banter. Would definitely recommend, and I'm super excited about the last book in the series!