A review by yungokssss
Turtle in Paradise by Jennifer L. Holm


I enjoyed this book a lot. Which surprised me, really. After reading a lot of that YA trash, I sorta forgot what good books were all about. I thought this was an honest and amazingly told story.

What I loved about Turtle:
1.WE BOTH DON'T LIKE SHIRLEY TEMPLE! You know how hard it is to find someone like that? I love the story "A Little Princess". It's an amazing classic! So I bought the movie... In which Shirley Temple starred in. First thing first: I actually wasn't very educated on Miss Temple, but I know that I really didn't like the way she looked. Little curls and that snotty little face and that saccharine voice... *shivers* Never again. Anyway, the movie had me with my mouth open through most of it, and it wasn't in adoration, etc., or any of that crap. I HATED IT!!! That day, Miss Shirley had killed a small part of me, and I wasn't THAT ready to forgive her. That's why I really loved Turtle. She has good taste! O.o

2.Turtle isn't a little simpering girl and speaks her mind. Example from text: "I'm not sweet," I said. "I slugged Ronald Caruthers when he tried to throw my cat in the well, and I'd do it again."
and "Which lady?" I asked. "The ugly one or the pretty one?" I don't know - I just really loved Turtle. She wasn't snotty. At least not on purpose :) She just spoke her mind. And I loved watching her interactions with the characters. It was very easy to love her.

There was only one teeny tiny thing that I absolutely positively hated:
The story ended with Archie breaking Turtle's mom's heart, and Turtle's real dad getting HIS heart broken before when he found out Turtle's mom was married to Archie.

Yes, Bob (^), I understand your feelings, because mine are exactly the same. It was awesome how Turtle got to stay with her relatives in Florida, but WHY NO HAPPY ENDING??

In any case, I also enjoyed this book a lot because of Holm's writing style, so you can bet I'll be reading more of her books! :D