A review by alexandriam_rose
House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig


I don't read too many (okay, any) current YA books, but a gothic, ocean-themed retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses was brought to my attention. I was like, I can give that a try. This fairy tale was for some reason one I really liked and remembered, but I only ever read one version in an illustrated bind up of a bunch of stories...

I have to say it surprised me, and I liked it more than I thought I would. It wasn't perfect, and there are some things I could leave behind (teen romance that really isn't important to the plot), but it had a pretty good creepy factor and fun elements and twists based on the classic fairytale.

The setting and atmosphere is probably my favorite aspect. The fantastical elements were a little unexpected and kind of appear all of a sudden. Because there is a nice build-up until about just after the middle, is this a person or something worse...?

Not gonna dive headfirst into more YA fantasy/horror, but I had fun with this one.