A review by adamantium
Lamentation by Ken Scholes


Honestly, this book has some really glaring problems with characterization, especially in the beginning. The good guys are very good, the bad guys very bad, with very little evident complexity of characterization. I was especially frustrated with Rudolfo/Jin's incredibly perfect courtship/betrothal. But things really do pick up near the end in several ways. You basically have to swallow the idea that a vast conspiracy spanning at least centuries has been working absolutely perfectly to manipulate individual persons on a minute scale, but I definitely lost interest 2/3 of the way through, and then at the end wanted to start the second book immediately.

It's worth noting, by the way, that this book is a pretty massive Bechdel fail--I can think of two named female characters--Jin and Winters--and they never have a conversation that I'm aware of. Jin is also kind of eye-rollingly gorgeous perfect courtesan/spy/Action Girl who immediately fawns completely over Rudolfo. She starts to get some conflict near the end, but definitely not a new character type. Winters is a little more interesting, but doesn't have much to do yet.

Despite the above, mostly compelling, interesting worldbuilding, and I really do want to see where things go.