A review by sil_the_lobster
Something in the Wine by Jae


This book is exactly as sweet and heartwarming as I had hoped. It’s the story of a late bloomer, and that of a slow-burning, carefully developing relationship. It’s very well written with likeable and believable characters and thankfully there’s no overkill on angst and drama. There is the occasional oh-dear-Lord-what-am-I-doing moment but it’s relatable and very life-like. No nasty stereotypes, no man-bashing, no straight woman-hating, and shy Annie doesn’t turn into a hardcore feminist gunslinger either. She remains Annie, only with a newly awakened self-awareness and a new facet to her personality.

I especially liked the relationship she and her brother have with their parents. No, wait, I didn’t actually like it, how could I. What I mean to say is this: this is the story of a coming-out which is a big thing in itself. In a lot of f/f and m/m stories, this almost always comes with family-related drama; mothers bursting into tears, fathers disowning their children, the ‘come-outer’ being thrown out of the house, banned from the family etc. Here, it’s parents who are so busy with their own egos that both their children are something like an add-on, and so it’s not surprising that Annie’s coming out causes not much more than a parental harrumph. It’s certainly not a healthy environment for a child’s development but it’s a refreshingly different family setting.

One thing did annoy me, though, and it’s not even a big thing, and it certainly has nothing to do with Jae’s storytelling abilities. It’s more like the sound of a dripping tap—you know, drip drip drip until you turn into the Hulk—and it’s the word ‘slacks’. It’s become a buzzword for me as I kept reading. Seriously, isn’t there any other word? Pant? Trousers? Chinos? Slacks here, slacks there, black slacks, blue slacks, elegant slacks. I know it’s ridiculous to get all revved up over one single word but sometimes something just rubs me the wrong way, and it’s SLACKS all over the place here.

But apart from that, I really liked the book. Also, I can very much relate to Annie. In more ways than having an annoying brother (I have two brothers but while they are as annoying as only little brothers can be, they’ve yet to play a prank on me and I wouldn’t recommend it and they well know it, too) and being something of a loner. Guess I, too, have learnt a thing or two about myself over the last couple of years. Let’s just say I wouldn’t mind meeting a Drew myself.

If you’re looking for a light and highly enjoyable read, this is definitely the book to pick up!