A review by theresidentbookworm
Mockingbird #6 by Kate Niemczyk, Joëlle Jones, Chelsea Cain


I love Bobbi Morse. I love Chelsea Cain's portrayal of her in this series. I love the artwork by Kate Niemczyk. I do not love, however, the Civil War II tie ins. I have nothing against the plot line of this installment. In fact, I love the idea of Bobbi having to solve a murder mystery on a nerd cruise. It is a fantastic premise and well-executed at that, but the Civil War II tie-ins just make me gag. Bobbi spends an awful amount of time worrying about Clint, her ex-husband, and not really kicking butt or acting in her own interests. I only know a little of the Civil War II plotlines so Clint killing Bruce Banner was news to me. I also haven't read Mockingbird #3-5 because my comic book stores sold out; apparently the entire printing has sold out. I ordered them online, and they should be here soon, but for now I have to go on what I've read so far. I really don't want the Clint-Bobbi dynamic to take over the story. One, I love Lance Hunter and want him around all the time. Two, Bobbi is at her best when she is figuring things out and kick ass. Can she team up with Kate Bishop? That would be awesome! Overall, not my favorite of the series but still good because Mockingbird is amazing.