A review by liendienmeo
Gym or Chocolate? by Stuart Reardon, Jane Harvey-Berrick


“A seafood diet-I see food, then I eat it.”– Cady

First of all, I absolutely love the combination of sassy heroine and grumpy hero. This is like the best formula for some great banter and this book didn't disappoint. I mean, Cady is just wow. The scenes where she was riling up Rick were so funny. And her comebacks - seriously, I was in awe of her quick-wittedness because yep, I'm one of those people who think of a clever comeback hours after having the conversation. So yeah, Cady was freaking awesome, not to forget her absolute confidence in her body even BEFORE she started to work out.

“It must be hard being on the larger side.”
“Not something you'd know about.”
– Cady to asshole co-worker

Rick was... harder to like than Cady. At first, that is. I'd say my first impression of him was "overly stiff". I wasn't sure what to think of him as the hero of the story but fortunately, it didn't take long for me to start warming up to him. There was a reason why he was the way he was and I just loved the development of his character over the course of the book.

Slowburn romance! So bonus points for that + a strong message behind the story so all in all a winner I'd say :)

Why not 5 stars?
– The conflict could have been solved in one conversation but was drawn out due to the big gesture factor. That really frustrated me but I understood why the authors did it that way.
– I was a little weirded out by the sex scene. It was odd, I don't know how else to describe it. Definitely not your typical sex scene lol

**ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.