A review by ravenslanding
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik


I am not into books in which the main plot involves characters going to school to learn things. Despite the title, this is not one of those books. It is set in the final month of El's junior year at the magical boarding school where the lucky wizard children are sent to learn how to do magic behind strong wards that will keep most monsters at bay. Well, it improves their chances of survival, anyway. There are no teachers, just the magic of the scholomance.

El is a snarky and grumpy and hilarious narrator. The world is fascinating. Plenty of tension and excitement. The discussion of privilege nuanced. The questions of fate and balance.....to be continued.

I feel like Naomi Novak just keeps getting better and better. Uprooted was alright. Spinning Silver was amazing, but this dualogy could become my favorite yet. I have already pre-ordered book 2.