A review by donasbooks
Flight or Fright by Stephen King, Bev Vincent


Its local lights single homes lamps on barn roofs if she fell
Into water she might live like a diver cleaving perfect plunge
p327 James L. Dickey "Falling"

FLIGHT OR FRIGHT edited by Stephen King and Bev Vincent is an anthology of frightening airplane stories--horror stories, weird stories, you know the sort. I was honestly surprised to discover that some of the inclusions were old, as I was expecting previously unpublished work. While I did not get previously unpublished work, I was pretty delighted to read "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" by Richard Matheson, which I had seen on THE TWILIGHT ZONE, but never read. What a delight! Scary as hell.

Matheson's story was my favorite in the collection. I also really enjoyed Joe Hill's piece, "You Are Released," which made me gape for a good ten minutes I think while I read. And then, I just couldn't, with James L. Dickey's jarring poem, "Falling."

I picked this up because it was edited by Stephen King, whose work I love, and whose airplane horror novella, THE LANGOLIERS, I really enjoy. But I didn't enjoy King's story in this collection, "The Turbulence Expert." For me, it was mildly forgettable, as in, I couldn't tell you a thing about it.

It's like any anthology, really! Some great, some good, some forgettable. I'm really glad I got to read this because of the stories I mentioned. It was a good mix of classic and new stories. Worth a read.

Star rating 3 stars
Finished October 2022
Recommended for fans of Stephen King, horror shorts, weird stories, airplane horror stories, classic horror, thriller and suspense shorts

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