A review by paulmslima
Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul: Stories of Canine Companionship, Comedy and Courage by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen


OK, I confess this book had me tearing up a couple of times as I read the first couple of stories. But then the stories started to feel the same -- either the dog dies, which is sad, or the owner dies (and the dog pines away). But the fact is, dogs do some remarkable things and if you are a dog lover, the book is worth reading. If you are not a dog lover and can't be persuaded to at least like them, give it a pass! Note: my wife and I own a dog, a 9-month-old Giant Schnauzer; I cried like a baby when our previous dog, a 12-year-old Giant Schnauzer named Kohl, passed away... So there's my bias!