A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
The Legacies by Jessica Goodman


I have to admit that I still have to read the previous Jessica Goodman. I don't know why it's still on the shelves. I loved both her first two books a lot. I think it's the setting. For some reason the setting of the previous book doesn't really speak to me. However, the setting of this book totally did. If there's one genre I just crave once in a while it's rich people drama. Especially the kind where 99% of the drama is of their own making. So, I ordered my copy and dived in as soon as it arrived.

This is exactly the kind of rich people drama I love and wanted. It reminded me a lot of The Thousandth Floor. The book takes its time to introduce all the characters to us. We get to see their daily life, we meet their family members, we find out what issues they're dealing with, who is friends with whom and what secrets they are keeping from each other. And while we're becoming more and more part of their lives, the tension starts building.

Throwing in the snippets of what has happened at the ball is genius. We know one of the characters we meet will die. It's a matter of finding out how, why and who killed them. While reading I had come up with a lot of theories, but Goodman eventually very positively surprised me without throwing in twists coming out of nowhere. What happens is the result of all the building up, all the drama and all the reveals.

What I love most about rich people drama like this though is that characters are allowed to be and behave ugly. These characters are meant to be deeply flawed, almost disturbingly flawed. These people believe themselves to be kings and queens and think nothing below them can touch them. That's reflected in their behavior. And yet, for some strange reason, you also start caring about these characters in a way.

I hope to pick up the one YA thriller by this author I haven't read yet soon!