A review by stuck_in_a_leabhar
The Bounce Back by Addie Woolridge


Book: The Bounce Back
Author: Addie Woolridge
Star Rating: Three Stars
Publication Date: 26th October 2021

I was pretty disappointed as I was looking forward to reading a fun romantic comedy as advertised but this was a. women's fiction through and through.

The Bounce Back is all about how the lead character is trying to get her life back on track but a complicated relationship with her family isn't helping anything.

The novel is full of humour and it was written in a very lighthearted manner which is an element that I really did enjoy.

Maybe if I had read Woolridge's previous book 'The Checklist' I would have enjoyed this one more as 'The Bounce Back" is based on a minor character from that previous novel I believe.

Overall, I found this book a slow burn and tough to get through as I think I delved into it with the wrong mindset. I might give it another go after I read 'The Checklist'.

Thanks so much to NetGalley and Montlake Publishing for the Advanced Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review.