A review by ashleu
Laced with Magic by Barbara Bretton


Originally posted at Nose in a Book

We meet Chloe once again. Chloe still lives in Sugar Maple, Vermont, with her boyfriend Luke, whose contract is up soon which leads Chloe to wonder if he is going to stay or if he is going to move back to the big city. Another problem, magic is running amok in town. If that isn’t bad enough, Luke’s ex-wife comes into town with some secrets of her own. And these secrets are a doozey.

This book is an excellent second book in the series. It does not hit the sophomore slump that many books fall to. I could not put this book down, nor did I want to. Luke’s ex-wife starts off annoying enough and then you kind of start to fall in love with her (in her own way.) The town acts as crazy as ever, but it’s the perfection continuation of book one, mentioned here. There is another mystery which Chloe helps to solve once again, in part to the fact it involves Luke and his ex-wife. Chloe doesn’t want to help in part because it kills her (Luke kept a secret) but she does, and thank heavens she does because it involves a bad guy from the first book.

The thing is, as much as I mention the first book, you could easily read this book without reading the first book. It recaps it in a way you don’t even feel like you’re getting a recap, which is always lovely. Plus this book ends on a wicked cliffhanger, rivals those of the YA variety.