A review by helpfulsnowman
Kerry and the Knight of the Forest by Andi Watson


Pretty good, nice to look at, fantasy-ish book where a kid has to adventure through a forest.

I have this series of jokes I call my "two-est" jokes.

For example: What do you call a small forest? A two-est.

The bee who collects the most honey should be called an A-minus.

You get it, you just upgrade or downgrade the thing, grades, weights, size, etc.

My partner, Poonmaster Flex, HATES these jokes. You know how someone you spend a lot of time with comes to hate the little quirks about you they once loved? Definitely that situation.

I feel like the only way I'll turn her around on this stuff is if I have a near-death experience. Then she'll be like, "Oh, why didn't I enjoy those two-est jokes while I could!? If he recovers, I'll never roll my eyes at one of them again."

Of course, this'll buy me 6 months, max, before I come up with a bad one and she rolls her eyes involuntarily, risking severe injury with all the built up rolling in her head.