A review by asiferd
The Grave's a Fine and Private Place by Alan Bradley


I received an advance review copy of this book from Goodreads Giveaways/Random House. I was really excited to win this giveaway because this is one of my favorite series! I'm always anxious to see what Flavia will get up to next. As with all the Flavia books, this one was a joy to read. Alan Bradley's writing is full of fun references and witty remarks/inner thoughts from Flavia. ("By whom? I wondered grammatically" is probably my favorite line in this book.)
Dogger has been one of my favorite characters throughout the series, and I was glad to see him have a larger role in this story. I really enjoy the relationship between Dogger and Flavia.
One of the other things I like about this series is all the great characters that pop up in each book. Because this story is set outside of Bishop's Lacey, there are all sorts of new people to meet.
As mentioned by another reviewer here, the ending did feel abrupt, and I would've liked to have had a little more time with some of the characters, especially Hob.
The mystery was compelling, and it was nice to see the core characters' relationships progress during the story.