A review by _bookishbella
Bad Blood by Mari Mancusi


This instalment in the Blood Coven series has Sunny as the narrator, like the first book. I have to say, I think I prefer Rayne's narrative, because Sunny is a little whiny and a little bit childish at times. Although, having said this, there were some points in the book that I really enjoyed reading, especially when Sunny was having a pillow fight with Stormy. But I won't spoil who Stormy is.
The events in this book, are once again, completely unbelievable. I don't think I really realised it until the end of Bad Blood, but the things that happen are just silly and would never ever happen, even if vampires were real. And yet, that's what makes these books such good reads. They would never happen, yet they're written as if they could have happened. And I believe them, a little.
Mancusi is very good at writing in a teenage voice. She uses just the right amount of sarcasm, and teenager-ness, but she makes sure that she uses maturity in her writing too, just to make sure that Sunny doesn't come across as just some silly, shallow teenager. In fact, she's quite the opposite. Though some of her actions in this book are dumb, and you end up screaming at her in your head, telling her what she should have done, you always know that she'll be able to get out of any tricky situations she may find herself in. Even though she's not the Vampire Slayer, she is strong, and a great character.
Overall, Bad Blood was a great quick read. Most of what happened was quite predictable, and I managed to guess what was going to happen before it happened, which I'm not very good at doing, but I still enjoyed it. The one twist at the end though, I wasn't expecting at all, and now I'm eager to read the next book, just to find out what on earth is going on. I can't wait!