A review by ghostlydreamer
Extinction by D.J. Molles


So unlike the previous few installments of this series, I actually do remember some things about this book. Not necessarily the plot, but the thoughts I had while reading it. Unfortunately, there's a reason this book got the lowest rating from me for the series, which is a shame considering it started off so strongly.

Here's the thing: I know it's been five years since I read this book, and I also know that Molles' has since continued the series. But at the time, this was it. This was supposed to be the last book. And generally, I am a fan of books with open-ended endings. I don't need a happy conclusion to tie everything together and make it worth it. In fact, an ending like that would have ruined the series because with a plot like this, you just can't expect everything to be rainbows and sunshine. That being said, by the time I got to this book, I kept thinking, "How the fuck is this going to wrap up? What kind of ending are we even going to get?" Because I knew going into this that there was no way everything would be solved by the end. That WOULD have been fine, if not for the fact that the ending felt rushed and incomplete. As I said, it's one thing to leave things open-ended. It's another thing entirely when it feels like the book/series ends and you're left stranded in the middle of an island with no way to get back home. You know what I mean? That was my problem with this book.

I am glad that Molles has continued, because there's a lot more that can be explored in this series that wasn't covered by the time we got to the end of this book. But I just remember feeling really let down by this ending. Thinking to myself, "That's it?" Getting within the last hundred pages of the book and thinking and thinking, "Are we sure this is the final book?" Because it just didn't seem like things were going to wrap up suitably.

And to be fair, I think by this time, I was a little burnt out on books like this. I'm not sure. It was a great series overall. But I made the mistake of reading this one and the last back to back, and I think by the end I was just a little bit tired, because the books were really starting to blur together for me. I might have enjoyed it a little bit more had I read it later on, but I don't think that could have saved the book. The incomplete ending bothered me, and I felt kind of irritated that I'd read six books and had gotten THAT, when it was clear to me that this series needed to be longer than just six books given the pace the previous books had started at. I have yet to read any of the books in the Lee Harden segment of this series, but I'll get there one day. It won't change my opinion of this book at the time that I read it, but maybe it will turn around my opinion of the series once I see a more satisfactory conclusion.