A review by basically_books
Speak, Okinawa: A Memoir by Elizabeth Miki Brina


Do you enjoy listening to a person write an entire autobiography about what a horrible person they are and not really doing much to change it and better themselves? Well, do I have the book for you!!

I read this book for book club. After a few days of listening to the audiobook and letting it dampen my mood, continuously marveling at what an atrocious person the author is, and wondering why on EARTH she's pretending like any of her behavior is okay - I decided it was in my best interest to put this book down.

The author wants absolutely nothing to do with her Okinawan heritage, yet when she discusses what Okinawans went through and their history, she refers to them as "we." Between that and the way she treated people around her, I can't fathom why she decided to write this book. Some people have incredible, page turning life stories. Elizabeth doesn't.

Don't waste your time or mental energy.