A review by retrogirlreads
The Emissary by Rene DeFazio, Tamara Veitch


“The Emissary” merges the concepts of past lives and soulmates in this engrossing story. Marcus and Helghul, once the closest of friends, are now the bitterest of enemies. Their friendship was weakened by Helghul’s ambition, and destroyed when Theron, the girl they both loved, fell in love with Marcus. When Theron and Marcus engaged in a special coupling, they became soulmates - able to find each other in all their next lives. But when Marcus stumbles in on Helghul performing a horrifying ceremony that goes against everything their people believe in, he knows he must act. He ends up swallowing a potion that will allow him to remember all of his past lives - so he can save the world from Helghul, who also swallows the potion. As the story progresses, we get to see some of Marcus’ other lives - where he never stops searching for Theron, his soulmate. But soulmates come in different and surprising forms, as you will find out if you pick up this book, which I definitely recommend you do!

* i received a free copy of this book from the authors in exchange for an honest review *