A review by naokamiya
And the Ass Saw the Angel by Nick Cave


This is like if every single one of Nick Cave's thematic and lyrical interests and general aesthetic obsessions from the Birthday Party/early Bad Seeds era got mixed up and vomited back up into the bile spewing fever dream nightmare of tortured mute protagonist Euchrid Ecrowe. Biblical levels of demonic description? Check. Flowery obscenity and southern gothic horror violence? Check. The world feeling like some ultra twisted Midwest Rob Zombie movie? Check. Nick Cave just being Nick Cave? Checkmate. And somehow Euchrid, despite how demented he is, is such a long suffered protagonist and such a unique and loveable narrative voice that it's almost impossible not to root for him. Is it a perfect book? Far from it - it's got Cave's typical sexism, tortured bloated syntax, and reads as very clearly minimally edited. But without that last thing, this also wouldn't be as memorable and explosive an unfiltered nightmare it is, and this thing just felt tailor made for me especially as I've loved Cave for a long time. I'm so glad this exists.