A review by romancereadingreactions
Ice Hard by Tracy Goodwin


Content warnings: Infertility (fibroids) and miscarriage (not on page)

I really wish there had been a content warning at the start of this book because I likely would have waited to pick it up. While I'm really glad there wasn't a magic baby at the end, reading the lines "I'm broken and can't be fixed" and "The barren daughter" were really hard.

The potential for this story was definitely there! I loved that Nick was "normal" and not what we typically see from hockey heroes. But I think the part that bothered me the most about this one was the fact it was in first person and there was so much introspection. Just pages and pages of repeated thoughts. This especially bothered me in Cami's POV when there were lots of comments about her mysterious past and things that can't be spoken of, but she was the one thinking it? I know this is nitpicky, but when you're thinking to yourself in real life, you don't hind things from your internal narrative, you know? It really took me out of the story.

I think between the writing style and the surprise infertility storyline, I'm unlikely to pick up other books by this author, but I do hope other readers enjoy it!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided to me through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to the author and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book and I'm sorry for the delay in my reading/reviewing; it's been a bit of a year!