A review by lostcanticles
A Ballad of Love and Glory by Reyna Grande

Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
A historical fiction and romance set in the Mexican-American War in 1846. A time period I am not very familiar with, so reading this was like a breath of fresh air. Inspired by true events and real people, this served as an eye-opener. But despite these, I failed to connect with the story and characters. 

The writing wasn't bad per se, maybe it just wasn't for me. I think the dialogue ruined the atmosphere more than anything, it could fall on the cliché side now and then. I also wasn't a fan of the characterization. The characters didn't feel real to me and because of this, the events that were supposed to make me emotional on their behalf failed to do so which may be the reason why I couldn't connect or sympathize with the characters at all; things weren't believable for me as a result. I found this book really dry in a lot of aspects, including the romance. It's what bothered me most of all. 

I stopped reading this a little past 40% and from what I've read, I don't think anything outside the premise or the blurb has occurred. I don't mind slow-paced books, but this one did drag so I had to set it aside otherwise it would take me forever to get through.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc!